7 Replies to “Swim Ride Run Breathe : Read This Book”

  1. Hi Peacebang. I haven’t read the book, but the lovely author is a colleague of mine in Oregon, and is currently serving as the Interim Minister at the UUC church in Vancouver, WA, which burned down last week in a horrible fire attributed to arson. This church was known as the Arc–because the sanctuary was shaped like an arc, with a gorgeous stained glass ceiling. Sadly, the sanctuary is ruined. Just thought you might like to know.

  2. Hi Peacebang. I haven’t read the book, but the lovely author is a UCC colleague of mine in Oregon, and is currently serving as the Interim Minister at the UUC church in Vancouver, WA, which burned down last week in a horrible fire attributed to arson. This church was known as the Arc–because the sanctuary was shaped like an arc, with a gorgeous stained glass ceiling. Sadly, the sanctuary is ruined. Just thought you might like to know.

  3. How did you know I am on a running memoir kick? It sounds like this will be the best one of the three.

  4. I’m sorry. i saw the first half and my computer froze. Also why I repeated the comment. My apologies. [No worries, doll! – PB]

  5. Ordered! Trust your taste, lady.
    (Also, I’m intrigued by the bit about marriage…I got engaged a couple of weeks ago!)

  6. Thanks so very much for the thumbs up on the book and especially for the prayers. You are such a blessing!

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