Just Because You See This Nonsense In The Store…

…doesn’t mean it’s an appropriate and legitimate fashion thing that you should adopt for your own self. Because, and let’s say it together, class:

LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS. Please click on these images and burn it into your brain. LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS. We do not leave the house with our butts on display in leggings. Leggings look fine on mannequins when they are STILL and do not MOVE. Leggings in lieu of pants or skirts are not fine on adult professionals for any reason. /rant

2014-09-15 18.46.35

2014-09-15 18.51.13

Class dismissed.

4 Replies to “Just Because You See This Nonsense In The Store…”

  1. I agree that one’s butt should never be on display, but I wear high quality leggings with belted tunics or belted jackets and boots all the time, and they look quite polished and sleek. They look better on me than my slim-fit suit trousers and are more versatile. I happen to be tall and thin, but I’ve seen them very well styled on colleagues of all different shapes and sizes. (No the cheap “thick tights” and T-shirt look, of course!) I don’t think I’ll be giving them up any time soon.
    [No, they do not look polished and sleek. They look “polished and sleek” when one is standing still. The moment one moves, they look like exactly what they are: underwear, no matter how thick the fabric or thin the lady. – PB]

  2. I’m with you PB and I can’t *wait* ’till this trend fades. I will never think that seeing that much detail of people’s private bits is a good idea!

  3. It’s all in the length of the top. Leggings Are Not Pants – if the top is too short to wear with just your skivvies, it’s too short to wear with just leggings.

    Since leggings and a tunic / sweater are inherently more casual than, say, a pencil skirt or cocktail dress and pantyhose, I think one can go a little bit shorter on the length of the top – I personally wouldn’t go shorter than fingertip length, but that’s considerably shorter than I’d go otherwise.

  4. I would not wear leggings with tunics or sweaters of any length. It’s juvenile and unprofessional, period. On your own time off, sure. But otherwise, no. Period, end of report, as my late father would say.

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