What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear? New Blog Shout-Out

Oooh, what fun!
PeaceBang is clapping and jumping up and down!

Some clever gals have designed a fashion blog devoted to the fabulous costuming of the Emma Pillsbury character from “Glee” (played by Jemma Mayes).

If you’re a Gleek, you won’t want to miss this. If you’re not, you may still enjoy the adorable clothing.

I love Emma, and I LOVE her clothes. Of course they’re costumes and far too extreme for real life, but what a pleasure to see such lady-like clothing on SOMEONE again, for heaven’s sake! If Emma P. brings back sweater clips and femininity, PeaceBang is ALL for it.

Here are some of the looks :

(This coral is my new fave color for spring and summer)

(LOVE the neutrals, LOVE the elegance of the whole thing. Adorable!)

(A little cap sleeve is so much more appropriate for clergywomen than a sleeveless sheath. Do consider).

4 Replies to “What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear? New Blog Shout-Out”

  1. I’m your clever gal! Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it, and I’m so glad you enjoy my blog! Cheers! 🙂

  2. OMG, I love, Love, LOVE the cut and style of that gray dress. Googling “cap sleeve sheath” and “short sleeve sheath” are unearthing a lot of great finds. Thank you, Peacebang!

  3. This was fun – thanks for sending me over. And following the links on the site, the found the site Polyvore – have you seen it? Here’s what I goofed around with last night.

    I was all gleeky, but it would be a good way to put together an outfit and check out what works together before committing to buying.

    also, I used to love to collage, back in the paper days, and this is a fun way to get back into that.


  4. I just started wearing more skirts and dresses after a long time and it has been interesting. I used to wear them almost exclusively just because I liked them better, but with work and little kids it got so easy to throw on the black pants and go.

    I needed to buy some new clothes and in an offhanded way I asked him what he thought I looked best in–without a doubt, he said dresses–and skirts, but dresses. You always used to wear them.

    So, after some shopping, I have this nice little wardrobe of dresses. The shoes are more challenging, finding something comfortable for every day but still appropriate.

    Men open doors for me and call me ma’am, which is weird but not bad like I thought. People listen to me more. If my husband calls at the last minute to see if I’m able to have lunch with him, I’m more likely to say yes because. they are much more comfortable than I thought they’d be–much more so than pants for sure.

    I’m not saying dresses are the thing for everyone, but I am much more of a believer in finding your look and doing it on purpose than I ever thought I’d be. I have to say that your blog has been a big help with that, Peacebang!

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