Tender Little Revs.

We all have those times in ministry when we feel stripped of our defenses and rendered totally vulnerable. Because it is our calling and our work to love God’s people — and especially those with whom we have been called to minister — we strive to show only our most mature and understanding faces at all times.
This photo of little Rev. Julie reminds me of how tender we are underneath our clerical professionalism:


Look at that little chumbly angel. And see? She even has a boo-boo on her knee. Grown-up Reverend Julie should always remember to hold that Little Julie in tender care, and to give her lots of nurturing and love.

Here’s our lovely lady today.
And just because it’s hilarious, and a great image of the feistiness and flair Julie also has within her, this Moment of Extreme Pink from what I’m guessing is the 1980’s:


Girl, WORK that headband!! Ssssssassy for Jesus!

6 Replies to “Tender Little Revs.”

  1. PB – this is hilarious. Thanks for your reflections of my sassy spirit. 🙂 I still wear pink and sequins under my clergy robe!

  2. Oh, Julie! I love you so much and think about you every day! You taught me how to embrace my inner pink and rock it….but not as well as you do!

  3. PB, I’ve been lurking on your blog for a couple of years now but have only commented a time or two–and I’m commenting now because these posts with reader-seminarians as little kids is SO wonderful. I’m a college professor and identify with “those times…when we feel stripped of our defenses and rendered totally vulnerable.” These cute little girl pictures remind me of the little girl inside me who loved to read and share her reading discoveries (and still does). Thank you so much for reminding us to take care of that sweet, innocent person inside us. When we do that, we can serve both God and our fellow humans so much better. (((hugs)))

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