Coming Soon!


Coming soon —
A Hair Plan for greying hair!
The Rev. Barbara Hoag Gadon earns a Halo of Praise for taking PeaceBang’s breath away during a Facebook scan.
Why You Should MOVE In Your Outfit Before Wearing It To Your Event
What Is That Fabric You’re Draped In Is It a Muu-Muu Or A Chasuble Or What
Ordination Thoughts
Packing For General Assembly

These post may be coming soon or they may not be coming at all, it ALL DEPENDS on the continued fullness of ye old schedule.

Love you all the time no matter what, though!

Kiss of peace!

4 Replies to “Coming Soon!”

  1. Yay! A recent discussion taught me that there may be multiple strategies for dealing with graying hair, depending on temperament, skin tone, personal style, etc. As a graying minister-mama, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

  2. Let’s talk gray: I cut out my color and fully embraced mine. Now I have to use an old lady purple shampoo at regular intervals.

  3. I haven’t been tempted to color so far – the gray blends with my natural color fairly well, and I am lucky to have a nice silver swath in front. My stylist wants me to tell people she did it for me. And of course I’m curious about the halo of praise!

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