A Reminder: No Hawaiian Shirts Unless You’re In Hawaii
Because you're in the public eye, and God knows you need to look good.
Dearest ones, About a year ago, I wrote a column about clergy wearing Hawaiian shirts, which I said was a NO-NO. A comments war ensued, but this is one that just came in today and I just want to say RIGHT ON to its author. RIGHT ON, TM. Damned eloquent, my brother, and thank you …
Pigeons, I am choking on my iced tea out here!! Deb’s comment below, contributed as a response to my earlier post about not wearing bare shoulders, has me totally disturbed!! Please tell me it’s not true that pastors are preaching in Hawaiian shirts. Flocking to conferences looking like employees of Trader Joe’s or as though …
Darlings! Just got this fascinating query from Florida Newbie, who writes, This is certainly not an emergency but I thought I’d share a wardrobe dilemma I’m encountering, in case it’s useful fodder for a post. I’m a newbie minister who just moved to FL. As I adjust to the heat and humidity, I’m having trouble …
Continue reading “Dressing For the “Season” in Warmer Climes”
Aloha and shalom, darlings! Deb writes in with this plea, I am in a “casual†church. No, we don’t wear the dreaded Hawaiian shirts (God be praised) but most of the (male) staff wear jeans and polos. I look like a truck in jeans and polos. I need something that is casual and neat, yet …
Continue reading “She Serves a “Casual Church”: The Casually Dressed Pastor”